Avica Products and Transport Services

AVICA Products and Transport Services will be your typical shopper in the Philippines.

  • We don't mark up the price of goods or even medicine and vitamins from the drugstore.
  • We charge only Php500 for the gasoline & rider's fee.
  • We buy first before you pay for them.
  • We constantly keep you updated on the status of everything we've previously purchased based on your order.

Did you know?

  • You only pay when everything is accomplished.
  • You only pay after the box is full and the waybill has been generated.
  • For clients who are serious about purchasing, we require a down payment of Php1000, which is non-refundable but will be deducted from your invoice. The down payment serves as a guarantee to us that you will complete your orders.

    So, are you ready? Let's fill in your cravings! Send us a message and we will begin the purchasing process.

    For further information, please contact us at 

    (+63) 930 839 5375 or (+63) 967 120 1251

     via Viber/WhatsApp.